Dolcetto of Dogliani Superiore
Seal of quality
Guarantee of Origin and Protected Designation of Origin.
A.O.C.G. – D.M. 6th July 2005
This is a variant of the traditional denomination “Dolcetto di Dogliani” created in 2005 to give further value to the full-bodied dolcetto wines with a higher alcoholic content, suitable, therefore, for ageing. Its taste is dry, almond, harmonic; ruby red in colour. It comes from purity vinification of pure dolcetto vine species and it has a minimum alcoholic content of 13% vol. Minimum ageing period is 16 months, as from 1 st November of the year of harvest.
Area of production
The area of production corresponds to that of the denomination “Dolcetto di Dogliani” and includes 9 communes in the Langa area, around Dogliani, and precisely Bastia , Belvedere Langhe, Clavesana, Cigliè, Dogliani, Farigliano, Monchiero, Roccacigliè and a part of the communes Roddino and Somano.
The relationship between Dolcetto and Dogliani is as old as the earth and with the passing of time it is still well established. An irreproachable historical reference remains the mention found in the Statutes of the commune of Dogliani, dating back to 1593 and which introduces a precise injunction regarding the beginning of the grape harvest.
A passage of the communal Statutes cautions:
Niuno ardischi al di qua della festa di San Matteo vendemmiare le uve et se qualcheduno per necessità od altra causa dovrà vendermiar qualche Dozzetti o altre uve serà tenuto prender licenza dal deputato“.
“Be there no one daring to harvest the grapes if not for this festivity of Saint Matthew’s, and should anyone either for need or other reasons require to harvest some “Dozzetti” or other grapes, these will be obliged to obtain permission from the deputy”.
The name Dogliano can also boast a glorious origin, as an etymological interpretation takes this word from “Dolium Iani”, which means that the wine produced on these hills was, in ancient times, appreciated by Janus, the god and guardian of passageways and borders.
The growing of this vine in Dogliani is an ancient ritual that can be seen in the strength with which wine-growers on these hills have instilled this ritual in their vineyards, to which they dedicate the hillsides and best exposures: here and in the neighbouring towns that belong to the area of origin of this wine, the vineyards are mainly meant for Dolcetto; only if there is enough space, then a little attention can be given also to other varieties, still complementary.
With this special attachment to Dolcetto, we can now understand what pushed wine-growers in Dogliani and the surrounding areas in the 60s to insist on obtaining a specific Status for their production, without agreeing on certain proposals that wanted all the Dolcetto produced on the Langhe hills under one only AOC status.
Therefore, on 26 th June 1974, a decree of the President of the Republic granted this wine the right to hold the Designation of Origin status. It was only right for a “wine of the President”, seeing how a President like Luigi Einaudi always showed his attachment to this wine.
In 1994, the current “Consorzio per la Tutela Barolo, Barbaresco, Alba Langhe and Roero” was founded as a point of reference for wine-makers in the Langa and Roero areas, who have identified in this structure the most suitable means to face together and authoritatively problems relating to the development and organisation of their reality and sector as a whole.
In 2005, AOCG “Dolcetto di Dogliani Superiore o Dogliani” status was granted, however, it did not replace the old denomination “Dolcetto di Dogliani” which continues to be active. AOCG status was in fact requested in order to give further value to certain types of Dolcetto wine which, for their body, are suitable for ageing.